Welcome to FC! Let's Pipe in the Hagas!
I would happily put on my Traditional Highland Dress, Cameron of Erracht Kilts, Formal Black Jacket, Sporran, Gillie Brogues, Skian Dhus, Hose, Flashes, and play a Scottish Solo for you, if I could.
However, the problem with playing a solo for someone is when you are a DRUMMER rather than a PIPER!
And here's an Irishman in a Scottish Kilt and you're wondering WHY?
Learned to love PIPE BANDS at a very early age since, my old Alma Mata, Sacred Heart High School in Yonkers, New York, was the very first High School in the United States that had a Scottish Pipe Band and way back in 1962.
The love of the Bag Pipes stayed with me and I joined the Mount Kisco Scottish Pipes and Drums Band in 1984 and had fun with it for the rest of my life.
And so, here's a wee bit of SCOTLAND THE BRAVE for you to dance to, albeit, on my snare drum, so you'll have to hum the tune yourself!
" Hark when the night is falling, I hear the Pipes a calling, loudly and proudly calling , down near the glen, "
After which, we'll Pipe in the Hagas and have a WEE DRAM or TWO!