And I like surprising her. SHe had no clue and even the congregation at our church did'nt know what was happening. The minister was great at starting things rolling and the topic was love and relationship. I ended up talking about 30 minutes, then I lip sing to our song from Bryan Adam, "everythig I do, I do it for you" and then I propose to her to get married again in our church. I had loss my wedding ring 2 1/2 years ago and we never replaced it. Well I have one now, a cheap one just i case and we our vows again in front of the congragation. Not only did I have her crying I had 1/2 of the ladies in church also crying. It was a nice anniversary gift for my wife.
It scary sometime what I come up with to surprise her.
I LOVE IT!!!!!
It scary sometime what I come up with to surprise her.
I LOVE IT!!!!!