ibritz flowers florida Intro

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Oct 4, 2008
New Port Richey
State / Prov
Our Website address is www.ibritzflowers.com

My husband and I opend ibritz in 1984

We have no formal floral education but much informal floral experience (35 years for me, 30 for my husband)

I found this website while searching the internet to get ideas on how to start a blog

I hope to be in better touch with other florists, my community and news affecting this industry

I believe I have a lot to contribute by reading, posting and sharing ideas. We are all in this together and I believe the nature (pun intended) of the flower business is evolving on a daily basis I want to do more then just "hang on" . I want to lead.

Our shop is in a house zoned commercial. It is a commercial building...not our residence.
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Welcome to FlowerChat! You might just love it here.
Welcome and yes you will love it here.

welcome, and thank you for such a thorough introduction! I'm sure you'll find a lot if information to help your business, and I hope you will share as well.

Thank you

Thank you so much for such a warm welcome. I'm going to take some time to read and learn about this group before I do much posting but I wanted to let you know I appreciate all of all your kind words.
Welcome to you! Please be a poster not a lurker!!!!
From a fellow pasco area freelancer.
Eddie Payne AIFD (former owner of Marion Smith in Z'hills)
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