Incoming numbers Dec-Dec

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
December 03:

Incomings from Florists 543
Incomings from 147

December 04

Incomings from Florists 438
Incomings from 348

While incomings from florists dropped a little over 100, went up by 201 leading me to beleive they are not only taking biz away from florists but that their direct consumer marketing is working (for them).

What do your numbers look like?
My numbers are all from florists as we won't fill from dot. coms incoming orders about the same from flower shops but direct phone calls from customers up.
BBJ (Big Bad John) said:
2004 incomings
florists 61 3 + 4 rejected (not in delivery area)

2005 incomings
florists 76 7 + 7 rejected (not in delivery area)

dang...should be 2003 and 2004
Dec 2002
Incoming via WS (2 services) 248 orders-----77% of all in house activity. First Dec after buying shop.

Dec 2003
Incoming via WS 0 orders (no WS!)---------0% of all in house activity. A 25% increase in NET profit over Dec 2002

Dec 2004
Again incoming via wire 0-----------and NET profit increase 9% (after double checking severl times) over 2003.

We did cut our our staff in half from 2002 to 2003.
A question for evergreen. I do not know your area at all but my guess is there are other florist in the area. Now you drop the wire services and you appear to have larger bottom line and that is good. Now the down side is some good people lost there jobs (not blameing you) and most likely those orders are still comeing into your area but being filled by another florist.

My point is we need to continue with things like florist detective and to continue to talk about and put in place a floral alliance/ marketing group so that we can not only compete and get those orders back in the real florist chain but also take the order gathers out at the knees. You should still be filling those orders except you should be getting paid 100 percent to fill them.

Just my thoughts from the green moutain state
Hi Steve,

I dropped one full time designer and three part time students. All was done by attrition. So I did not “fire†anyone, I just did not hire anyone new. My daughter is my full time designer. We are a small shop, as you can see, but we reach our break-even number most days, are in the black for the year and have shown an increase in profits from one year to the next.

I have used the WS costs to advertise in other ways. I could not do that before. We have also increased our local customer base by 20%.

Our call-in (included walk-in) orders for December 2002 was 13% of all in-house work, for December 2004 it was 95%, and for December 2004 it was 99%.

The total numbers of call-in (and walk-in) orders was up for December 2003 from 2002 by 26%. For December 2004 from 2003, it was 55%. These call-in (and walk-in) orders are all 100% orders paid the same day!

The number of call-in orders from out of our service area increased:
17% in December 2002
29% in December 2003
51% in December 2004.

Our numbers of call-outs, surprisingly, remained a rather steady and small number.

I can see by the numbers that my share has grown. There are two other shops in my town. One has both WS and she probably got the bulk of the WS orders. From personal experience and knowledge, I know she is making $1(if she counts her stems) per WS order. She is running her shop as a hobby in any case. The other shop was sold and is now in trouble. They had two designers and a full time driver. Now, they have one newbie designer who delivers as well.

Therefore, my take on this is, that people are finding us, calling us directly with a credit card order and the number is increasing. I believe that it will continue to do so. I also believe that there are changes in the amount people will spend per season as the economy tightens. I believe that they will spend money in other areas that are more practical and floral orders will be less for all.

Joe Mioux said:
received from florists 1469
:boggles: Are you saying you filled an average of 49 incoming orders a day in December?

Wire-Ins are less than 8% of our local annual volume and wire-outs represent a little less than 10%. We don't fill for dot-anybody.

Incoming orders were up more than 10% but it still represents a very small portion of what we do. We have no directory ad, no toll-free listing, no Dove extra info, no paid extra zip get the idea...
OOPS I added wrong. LOL

I looked at the wrong numbers on my adding machine tape

how about incoming from florists 147
and . coms at 16

Rosiescenario said:
represents a very small portion of what we do. We have no directory ad, no toll-free listing, no Dove extra info, no paid extra zip get the idea...

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