Ins and Outs

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New Member
Apr 12, 2009
League City
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Need help, please. What does the term "ins and outs" mean? I had an email inquiry requesting price quotes on the most detailed, peppered-with-floral-jargon I've ever heard. One excerpt: "A rounded collection designed with ins and outs from green cymbidium orchids, green hydrangea, polar star roses, & white freesia finished w/lots of bear grass and wrapped in black satin ribbon". In fifteen years of doing weddings I think I've heard that term once before, but I cannot remember what it means.
Just a guess but do you think they mean something with lots of depth to it? As opposed to something very spherical and even.
Wondering if it could be the tufts of ribbon that you tuck into a bouquet leaving a little "streamer" hanging out? But, tufts of ribbon

Also, "polar star rose"? Is that a garden rose?

Almost sounds like it's another florist or someone who is price shopping with another florist's description sheet. She also describes the ribbon for corsages as "organza" -- not a term commonly used outside of the industry.
Polar Star roses are a large headed white rose. Visit and go to galleries and then rose gallery and then select the whites/creams and you'll find it listed. Very pretty rose, more of a creamy/yellowy white, not as white white as an Akito.
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Never thought about it being from Eufloria. I didn't realize they had a gallery up. Thank you for that link!

My pleasure. There are a couple of other growers on that variety but Eufloria roses are almost without exception better than other growers.
No- It sounds like a bride who got a quote with this sort of florist mumbo jumbo and they want to see how other shops prices compare.
That's where I'd put my money
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