Interesting article...

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Sher I would sparkle for you anytime!LOL:rofl: Happy Valentines Day.
Yes, my real friend turned me on to FB and I didn't like it at first. But it grew on me...I love it. It allows me to chat with my close friends when I can't really talk on the phone...any mom can relate to that here! some of those apps though are confusing!
lol ...thanks for the laugh BOSS
Um.... -23C or -9.4F here. Mark do you have the patio set up with umbrella drinks?

Hahahaaa...entertaining to say the least. I'd rather be at home on my puter catching up than sitting in a slow-hummm bar waiting for someone to find me at the third stool to the left. Facebook is just now entering its most useful years.....

Hmmm... well I have FB on my blackberry and I have often commented/updated status / wrote on a wall... while on in a bar - so what's that mean? I actually FB from my BB way more that my laptop. Guess that means I am much MORE pathetically addicted, but I call it multi-tasking.

"So I've decided now to do something more worthy and productive with all of my new free time. I'm going back to the original reality-based Facebook, the local bar"

How is that more worthy and productive? Hell I think my way is more productiive, grab your hubby or your friends (or both)... good band/music, drink of choice and add occasional FB comments to your friends lame status updates!

Great article brad!! So true, but I still love FB.
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