Intro Message

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Sep 15, 2007
Forest Lake
State / Prov
Hello, I'm a 3rd generation floral retailer in the Twin Cities market. Look forward to all of the industry info.

I just launched (6/24) a mystery phone shopping service for fellow florists. We provide a constant view for you customers' phone shopping experience. I have several florists that are now enjoying the low cost benefits of knowing, understanding and improving their phone business. Learn more at

Corey Roberts
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Hi Corey - Welcome.
Can you tell us your florist name, and what your position is?
Also, how did you find Flowerchat?
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Mystery shopping... My wife's up for that gig...but you gots to give up the funds... LOL

Hey Corey, Welcome to FlowerChat...

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I must admit to being somewhat wary of "mystery shoppers". I worked for someone who spent thousands of dollars on such a venture. I was "shopped" in person (given 95%) and via the phone. The phone is where I ran into difficulty. I had 3 customers (real with money) in the cooler and I had a family looking for funeral pieces (real with real money) standing in front of me. Of course I was on my own. When the phone rang I took the call after ascertaining all the people in my vision line were occupied. I was patient, I was informative... eventually I offered to take their number so I could call back when I could give them my full attention. She said no, she'd call back. She didn't and I caught it the neck when the report came in. I'm no shrinking violet however... I asked the former boss (I left not long after due to being unable to deal any longer with idiocy), if he would prefer I spend time on the phone with a nebulous voice who sounded decidedly suspicious to me, or would you rather I took the $1200.00 in cash standing before me. He didn't speak... just as well.

I'm not casting stones here... just telling you of my experience. That being said, I say welcome and you have my vote because of course learning is the name of the game in life.

Hi Victoria:

Thanks for sharing your story. You obviously made the correct call by serving your customers that were in the store.

We schedule test orders at certain times to eliminate catching only 1 sales associate in the store. During holiday time, we schedule test orders early in the holiday so we are not taking time away from serving customers.

Thanks again
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