the most important tactic is "The Jack Up Call" - where I sift through prior year orders and pre-call and get people to order early. (I also employ the ever popular "Reverse Jack Up" in which every dopey sales person who walks into my store is handed a biz card and told I'll listen to their speach only after they have used us to send a gift.)
Partnerships w/ charity groups is also a good one... I give $5 for every purchase when the charity is mentioned. I use constant contact as my email messaging system & I customize the messages so each contact person at the charity receives my messages with their specific organization mentioned - they then forward the email out to their distribution lists. So, one contact person receives a message that says "Support The Susanna DeLaurentis Charitable Foundation When You Mention Promotion Code SDCF". So, it's personal and when forwarded by him, get's a higher open/click rate than when it comes from "the ambler flower shop".