I was fixing a cup of coffee this morning when I heard this on tv. Goodmorning American newcaster said "Budwiser was considering a 800 billion dollar offer from a foreign company (I think from Italy) as a buy out. Employees are outraged."
The newscaster had Lou Dobbs on the air and he said that America is for sale to the highest bidder. The Flatiron building had already been sold, and the Chrysler building is being looked at by foreign investors. Budwiser is the oldest and largest brewery in the USA, this speaks volumes about the economy. The dollars is at an all time low. Foreign money is worth more. A dollar is not even worth a dollar anymore.
Dobbs stated that the USA borrows 3 millon dollars a day to offset the deficit. Imports are at an all time high and exports drop every day. He stated that our deficit has been growning for the last 32 years and at the rate it is going the US of A is going to bankrupt itself.
Dobbs said our world will change as we know it and our children and grandchildren are the ones who will suffer. Our goverment needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
Where does that leave us? The Chinese and Japanese are already buying every piece of nationally important property in the USA. I scares me to think that we could be bought out by a foreign interest. Have foreigners running our country. Maybe not even a demoracy any more. It could be a republic of the Foreign United States of Chijaprusitairaexio.( Mixture of foreign interest)
America needs to wake up.
I watch a lot of ETV and I saw a show a few week back about the demise of Rome. The simularities are uncanny. The once and powerful Rome with its advances in medicine, one of the first to have clean running water with undergound sewers, one of the richest countries in the world, with the most powerful army in the world just disappeared. Sure there were lots of things that lead up to their demise, and it happened over a period of time. But it happened.
What can we do? I'm not sure, but the American goverment needs to wake up and do something before there is no American goverment.
The facts about America being for sale are true. America and Rome's simularities are my opinion. And thats the way I see it.
What do you think?
The newscaster had Lou Dobbs on the air and he said that America is for sale to the highest bidder. The Flatiron building had already been sold, and the Chrysler building is being looked at by foreign investors. Budwiser is the oldest and largest brewery in the USA, this speaks volumes about the economy. The dollars is at an all time low. Foreign money is worth more. A dollar is not even worth a dollar anymore.
Dobbs stated that the USA borrows 3 millon dollars a day to offset the deficit. Imports are at an all time high and exports drop every day. He stated that our deficit has been growning for the last 32 years and at the rate it is going the US of A is going to bankrupt itself.
Dobbs said our world will change as we know it and our children and grandchildren are the ones who will suffer. Our goverment needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
Where does that leave us? The Chinese and Japanese are already buying every piece of nationally important property in the USA. I scares me to think that we could be bought out by a foreign interest. Have foreigners running our country. Maybe not even a demoracy any more. It could be a republic of the Foreign United States of Chijaprusitairaexio.( Mixture of foreign interest)
America needs to wake up.
I watch a lot of ETV and I saw a show a few week back about the demise of Rome. The simularities are uncanny. The once and powerful Rome with its advances in medicine, one of the first to have clean running water with undergound sewers, one of the richest countries in the world, with the most powerful army in the world just disappeared. Sure there were lots of things that lead up to their demise, and it happened over a period of time. But it happened.
What can we do? I'm not sure, but the American goverment needs to wake up and do something before there is no American goverment.
The facts about America being for sale are true. America and Rome's simularities are my opinion. And thats the way I see it.
What do you think?