Is it just my computer?


Pro Member
Jul 4, 2007
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Is it just my computer but I don't have an unsubscribe button anymore - only subscribe.
And my toolbar at top has two buttons on top of each other - the Gallery is sitting on top of New Posts and Live Search is sitting on top of - well I can't even read it but it begins with "Re".
If you want to unsubscribe to a thread, go to 'Settings' (top left beside 'Log Out) --> My Subscriptions (section in left columns) --> 'List Subscriptions' --> check the box to the left of the subscription then scroll down and click 'Selected Threads'. Select 'Delete Subscription' and click 'Go'. You'll then be unsubscribed.

I'm having the same problem. I wanted to look at the gallery but New Posts is typed on top of 'gallery" and you can't get into the gallery.Same thing on the live search area . There is RE behind it.
There is definitely something wrong. It's not just your computer and I have a wide screen so it's not that either.

Me too.
I believe the RE that we're seeing is Real Florist Blog, but I can't make out what is on the far left, maybe gallery and something else atop that??
I don't want to unsubscribe to any threads, heaven help me from missing something.

Too funny and I know this sounds weird - but when I post, I actually unsubscribe. I check FC all the time so I see answers to my posts. By unsubscribing it simply eliminates all the ping, ping, pings I hear on my Blackberry.
You can manage your automatic subscription settings in your User Control Panel.

I've removed a couple of tabs from the menu - how is it for you now?
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