Is the attack over?

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Could be anyone woth a grudge against Ryan, or another board like florist channel, although I doubt John would do that.Ryan should make a list of all those who he has pissed off recently and go from there.
Well who ever it is they have to be a very very savy computer ueser because the average pc person like me has no clue how to do such a thing I think I am brilliant by being able to log on lol. Although I do not see the politcal malcontents here much some of the other boards have more then there share of them.
Not to worry ... the good folks at are flexing some hosting muscle to see this most likely won't happen again.
A denial of service (DoS) attack is an incident in which a user or organization is deprived of the services of a resource they would normally expect to have. Typically, the loss of service is the inability of a particular network service, such as e-mail, to be available or the temporary loss of all network connectivity and services.
Although usually intentional and malicious, a denial of service attack can sometimes happen accidentally.

One of the most common DoS attacks is the Smurf Attack. I don't know if this is what happened in this case, but in this type of attack, the perpetrator sends an IP ping (or "echo my message back to me") request to a receiving site The ping packet specifies that it be broadcast to a number of hosts within the receiving site's local network. The packet also indicates that the request is from another site, the target site that is to receive the denial of service. (Sending a packet with someone else's return address in it is called spoofing the return address.) The result will be lots of ping replies flooding back to the innocent, spoofed host. If the flood is great enough, the spoofed host will no longer be able to receive or distinguish real traffic.

There a ways to prevent these attacks and I'm sure Ryan is taking the necessary steps to help prevent them in the future.

At least I hope so, that way we won't have to deal with flowerchat withdrawal. I don't think there is a cure for that. :)
You want to talk about withdrawal .... I usually check FC 1-2 times per hour when possible. Just to keep you folks in line, don't you know ;)

Yesterday had me positively wrangy!
I'm just glad that we're up again - I check into the board several times during the day - heck, one window of the browser is logged in most of the day!

I'd seriously miss you guys if we weren't here!
What attack?
How about calling in the lawmen?

Ryan, Can't the governmental authorities help you? Isn't some kind of law being broken?
With a hardware failure?
Speculation really doesn't get us too far. I'm just happy to be back online :)
Oh, sorry I din't know that, thought it was said somewhere something about a hardware failure. I know about DOS attacks, but didn't realize that was what had happened. Have had hardware failure happen to my site (raid arrays aren't supposed to fail, are they? well it did once) on more than one occasion, always just at a major holiday or right before! That was before I moved it, but have had a few issues since moving also, always with emails.

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