Is this hijacking?

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New Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Can someone please go to my homepage:

In the last couple days I've noticed when I log onto the internet (it's my homepage), my site comes up and there's a brief blink of a listing of links for drugs. It flashes so fast, but I did recognize the name ativan. Then, when I enter my site, I think it's on one of the fresh flower pages, it does the same thing. It's only for a split second. What should I do?
Yea, I saw it, bottom left corner... I tried to Snagit but it goes to quickly....

Question tho... why isn't this your opening page?

Your making customer make one extra click to get here, by having that other page as your direct URL link...
Yes, you have been hijacked...

By some one for this site...

Here is example of part of the code...
<font style="position: absolute;overflow: hidden;height: 0;width: 0">
i models <a href="">plus size body stocking</a> search sex women models <a href="">nude panty hose</a> models music porn ....

check your host server for security...
also change your password to FTP...

You've either been hacked or your web developer was trying to be sneaky. Judging by the quality of the code in the actual site, I'm guessing the web developer isn't savvy enough to try this, so it's likely a hack.

The interior pages are hacked as well. It's an adsense hack, no less.

Hit escape as it is loading (stops it right there) then view source on the blank page.

I'll attach a text file of the code here - it's full of porn links and stuff.

oops sorry - it's too big for attachment but dammm is it full of crap.

Somebody needs to get reamed over this one!


If you look at the source code you can see the developer is obviously an amateur. Must have left something unsecured.

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<meta name="description" content=" Jenny Bialas is the owner of Special Occasions Flowershop in Milford, NE">
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<div id="statement"><img class="mainFlow" src="../graphics/mainFlowGra.gif">Thank you for visiting Special Occasions online. 
Flowers are our passion and delight. Whether you are looking for a housewarming plant or a celebratory bouquet, 
we want our designs to be the right expression for each occasion. With over ten years design experience, we are committed 
to creative service that guarantees satisfaction. Please take a moment to browse our products and we also hope to see you at our shop on First Street. <br><br>
Jenny Bialas, Special Occasions' Owner and Floral Designer <br>
607 First St. Milford, NE 68405<br>
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I count at least 3 <html> sets, each with header & CSS ... brutal.

FYI - Just checked and the code is still there.

Do you need help getting the site updated?

Not sure about needing help just yet. I emailed my web designer but she's usually very busy. I'll forward a link of this discussion to her and see if she can fix it for me and I'll let you know. Thanks, guys!
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