Is This LegaL...

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New Member
Jan 20, 2008
Alton Bay
State / Prov
New Hampshire
I process my credit cards through TF. I owe them a small balance which I have sort of ignored because other bills take prescendence right now.

They have now been taking my CC money and applying it to my balance. I am in the middle of talking with two CC Processing Co's, so I can dump those SOB's...but is this legal?

Should I ask for a copy of my contract? Has anyone had this happen to them?
It's absolutely legal - and it's absolutely in your contract with them.

It's just one more reason why the WS like to have your CC processing. It guarantees them payment. Smart business move on their part.

It's absolutely legal - and it's absolutely in your contract with them.

It's just one more reason why the WS like to have your CC processing. It guarantees them payment. Smart business move on their part.


Darn It.........
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