Jenno Award Winner

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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thai is ok - i have what i needed from your forum - i just had to get back in for a few minits...

This was Phillip's response to being told he was on a 1-day timeout. Now, it's permanent.

So now we know just how big a sook he really is!! Had forgotten all about our friend Jenno , thanks for reminding me. As a parting gift does Phil get a pacifier ?
Doug Hatcher said:
I don't get out much. What is a Jenno Award?

Back in the first days of this forum Jenno was on board until he(or was it She) went over the edge of common sense and was rebuked by Ryan , which you know is hard to do, anyway they basicallly told everybody here were to go in the most profane way possible.
Ah yes... the infamous Jenno. Wonder how he/she is doing...;)

Incidently Ryan , what exactly did Phil post that got him a 1 day suspension?Curiosity has got me.
Some private, some public. Was getting silly with his website threads and stupid accusations.


:iwuvyou: Do I understand correctly that we do not have to see anymore posts from PhlipPhlop again. If that is true.....thank you all the way to the stars and back. Where can I send a check?????
Is this Jenno award kind of like a Blossoms award? I don't remember Jenno but early this year I remember the Plumley files.
Jenno was the original ... you can search for posts by Jenno if you want some entertainment.

Plumley disqualified himself by leaving the industry. Abruptly.
Dang, Blossoms still owes me $$, too ... :(
Infinite said:
This was Phillip's response to being told he was on a 1-day timeout. Now, it's permanent.

*blinks in amazement* Some people really do need a hit with a clue-by-four, don't they?

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