Jim Stowe is a saint!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
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Because he hasn't told me to take a hike, yet!!
I don't think he's ever seen anyone so tech stupid regarding websites...
Patience is a virtue but he's gone above and beyond trying to get my website ready.... I'm even illiterate at Excel (this is the first computer I've had Excel on and it's the newest version and driving me nuts)
Those of you with Strider sites........there's a jewel in the office. Thanks Jim (someday we'll get that site live LOL )
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I came before you.....Jim has had the experience of a rookie before in me! Both Jim and Ryan make the whole process a breeze. After your web is up and running you will continue to have the same great service that you are having now!
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I agree, I keep asking dumb questions and asking to change things (like my header 3 times) and he's all calm and nice about it, yay!
Well i am in this gang as well, i would hate to see the emails he has to answer lol
Just imagine the problems I give them ;)

All in good fun of course :ssmoke
thanks Rhonda,

so there is HOPE FOR ME!

question? does jim use hair dye.....? he may need it soon.... :)
Jim Stowe is a saint!

Not everybody feels that way. The owners of the all-you-can-eat sushi bar around the corner from the Strider offices swear he is the devil. When they see him coming they turn out the lights and lock the doors - it makes more sense to close down than let him eat.

Aside from that Jim is an awesome guy!
Not everybody feels that way. The owners of the all-you-can-eat sushi bar around the corner from the Strider offices swear he is the devil. When they see him coming they turn out the lights and lock the doors - it makes more sense to close down than let him eat.

Aside from that Jim is an awesome guy!
So true, Mark.

I think they just about died when they saw you, me, Jim and Stornelli wander in one day. That must have been life-chaning for them :)

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