JULZ09 Intro

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New Member
Mar 28, 2009
State / Prov
I don't have a website address yet but I am working on that.
I have been in business for 8 years.
I have four years of floral design classes and worked for several years under designers. I say most of my talent is natural God given talent.
David from Central Square florist referred me. He has a awesome website.
I hope to meet other great designers and find out how they are keeping the floral industry a live during these tough times.
Also to find new suppliers.
I am a artist, designer and I have creative ideas that could contribute to this community.
I used to work from a commercial building but as of Feb. I couldn't afford all the overhead with the property anymore and I had to move to my residence.
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Did you move your greenhouses to your home? Do you have business licenses and proper areas to work at your residence?
I would like to hear a comment from David at Central Square.

Carol Bice

I was contacted vie email by the applicant inquiring about my web site. I refereed her to Ryan and mentioned flower chat.
Thank you David for the explanation... it clears up a number of issues.

Hi Julz:

Please expand on how you are operating your home based business. We aren't being invasive, however, it is important for us to understand the nature of your business. It's important to keep this a forum for professionals.

It will be very helpful for you to answer the questions posed by our members above.


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