If you send out any significant amount of wire orders, keep the Dove until you are ready to quit.
But put a policy in place at your store about handling Dove orders in order to limit yourself with all those added REJ fees.
At our store, we look at every order immediately upon it's arrival. If we are not able to fill the order, either because it is missed priced, we lack the product requested, etc we reject the order immediately.
If the order orginates from a OG, we send a ask message, again immediately, requesting them to cancel the order. That's it. If there is no repsonse on their part, too bad. This stops the order from bouncing back numerous times making more work and adding to our costs. We did our part. We can only run our business, not theirs.
Florists have a problem when it comes to orders off the Dove or Merc. They are just requests for service from either other florists or OG's. They are not fully an order until they meet our pricing needs and our product availibility. If an order does not meet both of those requirements, we send it on it's way. We don't make a big project out of it. Now if the order comes from a real florist we try to work with them to make their customer happy. But if they undersold the item or promised a flower we could not deliver, we would rather turn down their order. We don't look at that as lost business. WE won't fill that order if it sounds like their customer really wanted that flower. It's not worth trying to make it right later on, even if the florist says go ahead. We want them to first check with their customer to make sure the sub is OK with them.
If you don't send out many wire orders don't just drop the Dove, but quit now. Why wait?