So if you see a store with this title. What do think as a consumer?
Would oyu go in? What do you expect to see?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Would oyu go in? What do you expect to see?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Luc said:NOPE, Its a card shop next to my flower store. If everything goes according ot plan it will be a reality real soon. The name, (my wife idea) she is a lighthouse fanatic, just wanted more of a "idirect religious" side to the name thanking God for blessing us again.
THe gifts will be all kinds and I have secured several card lines. Again putting my touch to it.
THe logo would be a lighthouse with the name of the store....
Just getting input. and other name suggestion is welcome also.
Audra said:When I think lighthouse I think water - go figure. My great grandfather was a lighthouse keeper and lighthouses to me mean big water. Any religious associations are modern and went right over my head. If your town was along the north shore of Huron, I'd say go for it but I'm not sure if it works as well in a mall.