Live Chat Event

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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The FlowerChat Community will be hosting an "Open Topic" live chat this Tuesday, starting at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. We'd like to have as many members as possible attend this chat event.

The Live Chat link is located near the top-left corner of the main forum index page (click the Home button). For Live Chat instructions, view the Live Chat Commands thread in the News forum.

Please remember that the Live Chat login operates on a separate database from the FlowerChat board. If you have never used the Live Chat, you will have to create a new account. For identification purposes, we ask that you use the same ID as your FlowerChat account.

Any questions can be sent to [email protected].

See you at 8:00 PM, Tuesday!

I'll give it a shot...

Me and BOC were there last night, but he kept fall'n asleap:pipico
NO I did not Fall Asleep

The room would let me respond to you for a few short minutes and then it would not show my responces? so I would close the window and reopen it and Jabba the Hut said I was already logged in???.

This is happening since I went with this cable line connection.

Oh well:smoke
Hmmm.... not carved in stone that we'll keep this chat software. I do need feedback, though ...
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