Lizard in flower shop

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New Member
Nov 1, 2002
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Lately, we have noticed a little lizard in our flower shop. We tried to catch it but, boy, he's too fast! Not knowing much about lizards, does anyone know if there are any dangers to having a little lizard living amongst us humans and flowers???

Don;t think so....

We get them every once in a while on green plants out of FL...

A local greenhouse, that ships truckloads of green stuff has cameleons running everywhere....kinda cool...'
LOL, it's an "Anole"........they are very prominent in Fla and they are harmless. Ours clung to one of our green buckets. We caught it in a jar and took it to the local science teacher who has lizards etc. They are unbelievably fast. But real cute. If you can't catch him, try to feed him some bugs...small spiders etc or you'll lose him :)
Another side to your shop, Open Zoo display....
We don't get stuff like that from Florida or my gals int he store will have a fit... She whent hey see a spider or grasshopper that just happen to get into our greens they scream like there is no tomorrow....Luc to the rescue....
Stomp & kill is the best way to go
Which is why we have a shop cat and the dog comes to work with me everyday. BTW, have any of your grocery stores found black widow or tarantulas in their bananas or imported fruits? Not uncommon.
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