I opened the mail today to find a hand addressed envelope with a check in it for $50.00. It was attached to a generic orderform with an address and "birthday flowers" and a short card message written on it. It had been mailed from another state on Saturday for a delivery today. There was a toll free number on it, which I called. It was a flower shop for a direct order(yea!). Here is my problem: this shop owner says she has no affiliations, no credit card etc. I asked for a tax id #, florist said she wanted to be charged the tax (???). I went so far as to call another florist in the area to ask if it was a"real shop" --long pause yes I was told. This makes me uncomfortable because: 1) I do not want to support basement bettys 2) how do I know the check is good? We filled the order but I still feel funny and made sure the check got deposited right away. I love dealing direct with other florists but this made me nervous. Input??