Measuring latex balloons

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Sep 5, 2006
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Has anyone delt with some loony toons dude who wants you to inflate and measure a ballon? Or is this our very own homegrown crackpot?
I told him I was with a customer and would call him back....but he declined giving me a number, said he would try back in 10 min.
Where do people find extra time to dream up this BS !!!
He has requested that I inflate the balloon as much as possible then measure the freakin thing for him! and he "will pay for it when he comes in". Like I really want a nut case in my shop!
You can actually get a balloon measuring box from Qualatex. Prob is a nut job but just thought i would let you know.
Thanks palms....I can see how it would be helpful to have consistant sizes for displays. I think it was just the deep, I'm a freak who just wants to talk kind of voice. kind of creaped me out. I don't think he was visualizing a 50ish overweight grandmother at the flowershop.
This is what he was asking not for you to measure it, there is a thing being advertised all over the place, about some guy who ordered balloons from some one and when he got there they were these like 6 in things, So I think he wanted to know if you carried 12 16 or 18in ones..That is what he really wanted, to know,,,
Measuring balloons

If he order a 18, you can measure to make sure that all balloons are the same size once they are blown up with a balloon sizer. I order mine from Burton and Burton.
Did he ever call back? There are creeps out there who have nothing better to do than call businesses asking ridiculous questions--I think they are getting off the whole time you are on the phone with them!:iconhump:
There are creeps out there who have nothing better to do than call businesses asking ridiculous questions--I think they are getting off the whole time you are on the phone with them!:iconhump:
Yes they are - it's happened to me too many times, though years ago. Now my creep radar is much more finely attuned. There are some very bizarre fetishes out there - it wouldn't surprise me at all if there is a balloon-popping-scream-listening fetish forum out there somewhere. ;)
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