Member location

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I think we can accomodate that :)

I hope to have it up shortly.

By the way, welcome to you in Ireland... a lovely lovely place for sure. :)

In the member and vendor location section, how about putting a section in for Europe or better still Ireland?!?

Good man.

lol...I'd be careful...if I know where you are located, the whole clan might come a callin...there's Ryan Patrick, Shannan Marie, Danny-boy, Shaena Rhian and a whole slew of the Italians that some how got mixed in...we tell them that the smartest thing was that their Dad ever did was to marry Irish...twice! Welcome...
Sher.... I KNEW there was Irish in you. ;) I must say, having been to Ireland with my clan, it was wonderful to be welcomed wherever we went. It's just the way of it.

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