MEWS-Designs Intro


New Member
Feb 20, 2011
State / Prov
North Carolina
My name is Marsha Snyder and I am the owner of MEWS-Designs. We offer floral design services, specializing in weddings.
Hi Missy,

I do have a website, do you? I am new to flowerchat and not sure how to utilize it best. Do you have a suggestion?
Take some time to have a look at the forums. I think in your profile there should be a spot to list your web site. Often other members like to look at your site to get a feel for what you do. You will notice on the top right of this page there is a line that have X number of unread on there, its a great place to start each time you come, and it will get you caught up on the latest! Have fun!
To save you the search, thats my web
Hi Missy,

thank you for your response. my website is still under construction, almost ready to post. I also am working on a professional face book account. Hopefully all will be ready by next week. My marking rep suggested I join flowerchat but so far, not much has been learned. I have looked over the forums. RIght now I am looking at pricing and contracts. Perhaps I am not looking int he right places. Your store front is very engaging. Love the green arrangements! I would also love to go to Canada one husband used to travel to Ontario on business occasionally. thanks for the suggestion about other's websites. need to check those out.
Hi Marsha,

This forum takes a bit of time to understand how it works. To read the most up to date threads, click on the link right below log out way on top on the right side. It says you have "x" number of unread posts. Every time you log out, all threads will be marked as read, but should still appear in your list. There is a lot of material to wade through.

The thing that you will find is that we will joke around, especially if things are slow. But the minute somebody posts a serious question or issue, there will be help from every corner of the globe.

I too thought I wasn't learning much when I first joined. I knew it all but I was willing to help the others out there who wanted help. It really didn't take me long to find out that I had a lot to learn. It isn't just design, everything under the sun gets discussed here.

I hope you find more value as you get used to finding your way around.
