I have one in my back yard - the bloomz are great but the "cones" are a PIB the rest of the year. Dad used to have one in the front yard too but got tired of it and whacked it. I now have a black bamboo patch there (my #1 favorite botanical)
I love your pictures and I thank you so much for sharing. But if it were all year round, then it becomes the norm... and perhaps not as appreciated.
I love the spring trees and bushes. The heady beauty of lilacs and vibernum make my senses whirl and I have wished they could be enjoyed all year. But you know... here it is April and I'm so looking forward to having the joy of that fragrance in my world one more time.
To see wisteria bleeding purple over all it covers wouldn't be appreciated quite as much if it was seen every day. We'd learn to accept or ignore, like we do the homeless on the streets.