my side biz


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
Melrose, Massachusetts, United States
State / Prov
Well, Scott and I just came back from our first trade show/convention this weekend selling our painted wargame miniatures and terrain. It went well, we sold 90% of the terrain, gave out over 200 business cards, made many business contacts and I have Valentine's week and then 1 week to get ready for the next convention/trade show on Feb 18th...we need to build out a bunch of terrain and paint it all...but all in all, we got a very good reception from the people, made some great impressions on regular painted mini buyers and got some good ideas of what will sell and what won't. If all goes well, we may incorporate his game stuff into our retail spot and make a gaming flower store...I think it would fly because I have a ton of middle school kids walk by everyday that would love this stuff...Wish us luck in this side venture becoming main stream...
Good for you. They are interesting little buggers!!
Yeah, been very busy with the side job getting things ready and painted for the shows...going through two holidays at the shop, not much time for social media...

It really looks like the hobby/game store idea may take off...we will have to see...I really only meed my back room and the cooler for flower sales, I would much rather fill my 500 sq ft with something that sells more if it is games, cards and minis so be it....
Great thinking!! Gotta go with what sells. Utilize your store effectively.Wish you luck!!
Well done for finding something that people want... finding a product in demand is the hardest part. Good luck, if you are opening your shop up to another segment of the market it could lead to all kinds of opportunities... :)