Names & personal info

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New Member
Sep 23, 2006
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I've seen this issue touched upon several times, most recently in Infinite's thread on discussion of the upcoming changes.

I'm a little perplexed on the need for "real" names & info here. Not a lot, just a little. I'm a member of several internet forums (although only one floral one!) and this is the only one where this issue is raised. All the others take it as normal to use pseudonyms. In fact, on publicly-accessed forums, it's generally advised to use a pseudonym and limit the amount of identifiable information given (other than the info required for membership only seen by the administrators).

But this forum is very different. There seems an expectation of full identification, and a resulting indignation if it it not provided, by many members.

I'm just wondering why.

One of the distinctions that has made FC successful and useful where other floral forums have failed is the accountability of using your own name. Other anonymous forums degenerated into nastiness of personal insults, sock puppets accounts and spam. They became useless.

FlowerChat is not a publicly accessible forum, so you don't have the usual concerns about personal info.
Gracie you have a valid point. I guess I look at it from a selfish standpoint. If I know who I am dealing with, I have a better understanding of what I need to do or say.

One of the main reasons for me is: I have sent many orders to members on Flower Chat. But, I only send them to the people that are upfront with letting me know about who they are and about their business. I will not just pick out an anonymous name on the board to send orders to. It seems to me that the ones wanting to exchange orders would want their names "out there".

I see a huge number of these people throughout the years and some have become great personal friends and there are a very few that I would try hard to stay away from based on what they post.

A few times, several of us have mini flower chat meetings throughout the country like when we attend AIFD or when people attend Market. When we know you, it is a lot easier to make you a part of these meetings.

But, I really do understand why you feel as you do. I don't post on other boards, but, would be more careful about that information in groups that I don't know so well.

Carol Bice
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I like the more personal approach then using name that people Hide under. It is those people that hide that makes the forum less enjoyable to go to because of the nasty coments and language they often use.

We are all adults here and we have seen people come and go from this forum because we knew who we where talking to and we knew the credibility of their views and comment.

It is also nice to know who you talking to and when you want to talk to them one on one you can use their real name in a conversation over the phone.

Can you imagine the laughs at the other end when I call ToTo Flower shop and they say WHO? And then a barrel of laugh and snickers!!!!

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I think that it is a really good part of flowerchat to know which business people come from and that they are relevant to the forum.

However, I initially had my own reasons for having a username but was quite happy for people to know my business.

There are many people who i have got to know now on FC so maybe it should make us get to know one another a bit better. I know their first names and they know mine. Just for the record my name is Paula but i would rather keep my username as palms, plus many people have the same first names, that would get confusing would it not?? I think its confusing that there are two Carol Bice and if it were not for the lovely pic the longer member Carol has, we could not set them apart.

Anyway just thought i'd say:handball:
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All explanatory, thoughtful responses. Thanks.
As a relatively newbie, what I find in reading posts is that constantly trying to figure out and then remember what real name (when it IS written in posts) goes with what username is not only time-consuming, distracting and confusing when you're trying to follow conversations, especially when you're really interested in the topic, but it can also appear to the newcomer that an "old boys club" already exists and the newbie isn't really all that welcome to join in the conversations.

I prefer first names that everyone will use. Just seems more pleasant, friendly and honest. But I AM Canadian, eh? :)
Yes but even the admins have usernames, I dont see why its that important to have first names as a username. What if another Dorothy came on?? (just an example btw, not having a go at you)That would be far more confusing, i am a much newer member than you and I certainly did not find it clicky, much more i found it to be extra friendly. And if i found that i had something in common with people i would green dot them or strike a conversation in a pm which would then lead to getting to know each others names. A bit like in real life.
Yes but even the admins have usernames, I dont see why its that important to have first names as a username. What if another Dorothy came on?? (just an example btw, not having a go at you)That would be far more confusing, i am a much newer member than you and I certainly did not find it clicky, much more i found it to be extra friendly. And if i found that i had something in common with people i would green dot them or strike a conversation in a pm which would then lead to getting to know each others names. A bit like in real life.

For me, Paula right?, the part about the "old boys club" is secondary. The first part of my post is the most important to me. I see your point about people having the same name (I haven't encountered that prob much in my life - never was another Dorothy in school and rarely in the workplace), but I would think that when this does come up on FC the location revealed would help to differentiate people with the same name.

I also like your comment "A bit like in real life" - I prefer real life.
I have a user name "Lotakids". I have used it for years as I am a mom of 5 darlings. My shop has my name and I also have my name in my signature. I like having a user name and like seeing other user names, it suits their personalities, but if you read long enough you get to see their real names. I dont' personally think it is a big deal. :loopy
When I joined, I wanted as little personal info out there as possible. But now I'm more comfortable with the group & wouldn't mind sharing a bit more--I just don't know how to change the info that shows up with each post. Mine just shows my user name & full name. Will someone please tell me how to show my city, state, etc? Thanks!
One of the reasons I chose the vBulletin software we use for FlowerChat is the ability to customize profiles, signures, use avatars - all for the purpose of expressing personality. This industry has WAY too much personality for the tired old text-based forums that existed before FC.

Usernames reflect that personality. Some of us have been operating with these usernames for half a lifetime :) "Boss" is pretty self-explanatory. KT4YE expresses his love for shortwave radio. And "HangGlideGirl" ??? Who doesn't love that?

Will someone please tell me how to show my city, state, etc? Thanks!
Click UserCP in the top menu bar, and your options will be on the left side of the screen. Edit Personal Details.
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