nancymiranda Intro

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Just a heads-up to warn you: I did some work for a florist chain in Mississauga that was formerly using the Flowers-R-Us name. They were sued successfully by Toys-R-Us for trademark violations.

You may want to consider a name change before fully launching your business.

Nancy, Thanks for your interest in our community. Have you worked in a nshop other than taking your courses? What have you done preior to deciding to open a florist? Also, since you are working from home, I need to ask, is your business licensed and do you pay/charge sales tax (if those are applicable questions in Canada)?

Thanks in advance for your answers!!

Ryan gives some great advice!
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Thanks!!!! Still playing with the names of the company. A few friends and I are still trying to figure out what direction we want to "form" the small company into.
Most of the time we work from home making small arrangements for non-profit organizations to raise money.
Thanks again!!!1
Nancy, thank you for answering the questions posed. And Ryan's advice is best taken. :)

As this site is for professionals in the industry I'm going to suggest you find another forum to suit your needs until you are up and running as a viable business.

Thanks and best wishes to you and your venture.

I need to ask, is your business licensed and do you pay/charge sales tax (if those are applicable questions in Canada)?

Amy, those are indeed applicable in Canada. :)

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