need advice on dropping teleflora

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New Member
Nov 28, 2005
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Hi Everyone, I'm new to flowerchat and need some advice. Our shop has dropped teleflora and they are demanding payment for three months after we canceled because of the listing in their directory. We sent them a certified letter and have refused all orders since. While a member we filled thousands of dollars in orders and had only ever received 299 from them. they talked us into extra advertising and more containers to get more orders because we were telling our rep this seemed like a waste of time and money. It seems unfair they want so much from us since we have lost money while being a member. I need to take fast action as they have reported us to a credit agency for collection.If anyone has any advice or knows of a contact person at teleflora who has the power to help our situation please let us know. Thanks, Meish
I am afraid you owe them.

First of all welcome to flower chat and we hope you will keep coming back.

Second, ANYONE who wants to cancel their membership , they need to do it BEFORE the cut off date of the next directory. This way you will be billed for those charges. Also when I left FTD and i will assume also with TF, they will keep sending you bills for three months after your last directory in case other shops are still reporting orders. Those are clearing house rules.
So your headache may go away in 4 months from now. Mine took 6 with FTD.

Now you have either pay them to get them off your back, or since you are technically a member since you are i the directory, I would receive enough orders to try to cover the money owed to them.

Keep inmind, is your credit rating worth all of this hassles? It may be worth to pay and move on and keep them in the back of your mind when they come on knocking at your door to place a order or give you free membership to rejoin.

That is when the ball is in your court. At that time you will have fun with it. I did with FTD and it is fun.
Take control of your shops.....
You should immediately dispute their claim with whatever agency they've got hassling you. After you do that, they cannot legally report the alleged amount due as a delinquency without also reporting the fact that it is disputed. That, to a large extent, prevents much damage to your credit.

Also, if you stopped doing business with them on the date that you told them you did, in many US jurisdictions, they cannot legally collect for "membership" charges after that date. They might try to bluff you into paying with that collection agency, but if they actually take it to court, they'll most likely lose.

You might want to pay your lawyer a hundred bucks for a locally based opinion on that.
Luc's right...

Timing is EVERYTHING... The w/s rules for cancelling a membership are pretty cut and dry.

The first time we cancelled with TEL, we sent them a certified letter, with careful timing - so that it would be take effect before the cut-off of the next directory. In our case, three months. About 30 days later, we got a call from TEL asking us why we were dropping out - I said your stinking high fees! Well, after a bit, we ended up staying in - with a GREAT reduction in fees for 6 months. Also, the reciprocity surcharge was a BIG factor with us.

We are still TEL...but the future looks dim.... Right now, we are hangin' on by a thread....we do not rely on the inbound orders (as you make very little on them), but there is a STRONG demand for thier containers and holiday specials in the city. Most likely due to their extensive co-op ads in the city and burbs....

Our master plan involves phasing out ALL w/s specials, but for now we still carry them, hence are still in TEL.

- H.
Re: 90 Day Lock In!

MEISH said:
It seems unfair they want so much from us since we have lost money while being a member. I need to take fast action as they have reported us to a credit agency for collection. If anyone has any advice or knows of a contact person at teleflora who has the power to help our situation please let us know. Thanks, Meish

Welcome to the board Meish!


WEE TOO, and when we said Saianora to FTD, were stuck with the 90 DAY LOCK IN rule. Must've been somewhere in the original contract I signed back in 1970.

However, the ONLY LINE ITEM you should agree to PAY FORE is the MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP FEE. All their other LINE ITEMS are negotiable to include any of the DOVE FEES, QUALITY INSURANCE (for them), and/or UNEQUAL SENDING FEES.

Just be sure to answer the COLLECTION AGENCY with HARD COPY to indicate what you are willing to pay and what you are not going to have pushed out from your wallet.

Should they accept your offer, then PAY THEM what you've agreed to, but ONLY AFTER THEY SEND YOU A COPY of WHAT YOU'VE BOTH AGREED TO satisfy the debt. If they don't then, they wind up being SOL. After which, and even if they post this liability at any of the three credit reporting agencies, you have a LEGAL RIGHT to dispute (in writing) any item they've logged against you.

Some shops and in the execution of their EXIT STRATEGY begin by GETTING THEIR CREDIT CARDS out from under them.

After which, they SEND OUT enough orders to cover the amounts of money that wire service thinks they owe them.

While I do not RECOMMEND that OPTION, other florists prefer to be in the POSITION of POWER which puts them in the driver's seat during the FINAL NEGOTIATION STAGE.

Wish you luck and let all of us know how you did in the END!
Them's da rules..........

I know with FTD it was stated in the rules of termination that 3 months or until the next directory deadline you will be responsible for the charges.
IMO, the three month rule is incredibly unfair and based on a flawed premise and completely unilateral. If those WSs decide to drop you first, you wouldn't owe them any future dues.

The whole theory of the three month wait revolves around the publication schedule of the directory and I don't believe that will change. With web-based sending, both TF and FTD could update current membership status, delivery charges, minimums and codifications for florists' daily. But then the WS would have to give up all the cash generated by directory ads so don't expect that publication schedule to change - ever.
Welcome to FlowerChat!

Once you are finally out of Teleflora, be sure to send them a letter asking for your initial membership deposit (in our case it was $300 paid back in 1989 or so) back. We mailed a request letter, waited a few months, then we finally did receive our refundable security deposit back. From my experience last year when we dropped Teleflora, they will not send you your deposit back unless you ask for it. Good luck!
CHR said:
The whole theory of the three month wait revolves around the publication schedule of the directory

Thats the theory, but then why is it after every new directory I find lots of shops that are "no longer ftd" when orders sent to them are rejected by the system.

FTD updates the online directory every two weeks!
CHR said:
IMO, the three month rule is incredibly unfair and based on a flawed premise and completely unilateral. If those WSs decide to drop you first, you wouldn't owe them any future dues.

So, Cathy, if I read this sentence correctly, the best way to get out of wire service is to fill orders with stuff from the trash. (wink)
BOSS said:
Thats the theory, but then why is it after every new directory I find lots of shops that are "no longer ftd" when orders sent to them are rejected by the system.

FTD updates the online directory every two weeks!
And why do I have to pay for orders rejected by shops who have turned off their Merc Systems for good but are still listed in the "newest directory update" as still having them?
Thank you for a kind welcome and excellent advice

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and opinions. I was not aware I could get a refundable deposit from TF. So far we tried to dispute the claim with the collection agency. Their rep said we can't and she's being very nasty. We're still going back and forth with her. We're probably going to have to get a lawyer. I know someone else in my area that had a similar problem with them which was resolved to her advantage, but she was reluctant to tell us how. At least now I know our options and I have a better understanding of the whole thing. So thanks so much for such great advice. Meish
I would read the contract you signed with teleflora befor seeing an attorney.

Teleflora(or any of the others) have THEIR bases well covered. Your going to get stuck for up to 90 days, If not 120 depending upon the date THEY recieved your letter.

If the monthly charges add up in relation to the contract terms for leaving. Getting an attorney will only compound your financial loss. Alot of times, an attorney will only be reminding you of what you signed, and charge you dearly for the privilage.

Ask for intrest on your deposit. see what they say.
Confused and Confounded by Teleflora

I've been following this thread, and as a new member, I'm glad to know that florists are actually s-h-a-r-i-n-g. When I bought my business after many years in editing and writing, not one florist here would offer up any advice, contrary to the networking groups I participated in inside publishing. So...I did what I needed to do, and that was follow the path of the former owner of 8 years.
Now, I've been under audit for pst for the past year, and what the government auditor is scrutinizing is the teleflora sales and the taxing system on those sales. I've had three accountants over the past 14 years, none of whom could really get a grip on what to do or not to do in relation to the myriad of TF sales, specifically in regard to the cash register.

Could someone please give me a process to follow for tracking sales through a cash register and interac. What I've been doing is to ring all taxable sales in as a regular non-TF order, then my accountant 'adjust' the year-end for the actual percentage earnings Ie: the 20%. For non-taxable sales to US or International, I rang them into the till as a no-tax item. However, the auditor is saying --having scrutinized my files and cash sheets to 1999---that about 16% of my TF sales are inside BC and they are going to make me pay the tax---AGAIN--as I cannot identify them (single them out) on the cash tape. A florist that does work for me when I'm out of town keeps a paper-entry journal and doesn't enter ANY TF into the till. (and they are a Dove networker which I'm not). None of it makes any sense to me at all, and I would be forever grateful to have a specific method to start using as I most probably will have to get a new cash register and have no idea even how to instruct the person how to set up the departmental codes based on TF.

Thanks so much.

PS: The auditor says that we are the first business they found that enters the 'receivables' (checks from corporate customers) into the till in a special category (received,no tax) and I have been cross-checking invoices, deposit slips and check payments as the auditor is convinced that all of the 'receivables' are new SALES, rather than old sales, taxed on the day of the sale. computer POS system???

I am by no means an 'expert' the the canadian tax law, but it seems to me that a computer system is a MUST for doing w/s biz up there....

I know there a MANY here who might offer help...
Hopefully we'll get you straightened out!

- Herb
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