Need Help Need a picture out of a old John Henery Book


New Member
Jun 13, 2007
Missouri Valley
State / Prov
I had to move my shop becasue of the threat of flooding. I ahve a wedding this weekend and I packed away the book that had the picture of the wedding Bouquet that I have to do for this Sat. I have the number it is out of a set of 4 John Henry Books that has wedding flowers ,flowers to wear and reception flowers. The number I have written down is WFB 22-21 it is A long bouquet with the ribbons half way down the stems if that helps anyone to help me.
Thanks I hope someone out there can help me with a picture of this bouquet.
In your Google search bar type in the item number of your bouquet. I clicked on the first web address that came up, creative elegance. They have a picture half way down the front page of the bouquet you are going to do. It is mostly pink gerbers with ribbons. Hope this helps you.
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Thank you so much I never even thought to go online and lool for it thought for sure it would not be there. Can't thank you enough. Being up rooted from my shop and moving to my garage has been and interesting ride of life. Have a different building bought and they will be out by the first of July then it will be about 6 weeks of remodel but a new adventure in life for me.
You are welcome! Sometimes change is good, but not this way. However I will say sometimes circumstances in life force us to do things we had been thinking about but just never got it done, like the condition of my basement, now that I have had lots of water damage now forcing me to do something about it :( . New adventures can be fun, post us some pictures as you go along.
Do you guys have water there also? The Missouri River is over 13 miles away from us they told us 3 weeks ago we would have water and nothing yet. Now it is not "if" but when as they will be releasing water up thru Aug. I'm about 25 miles North of Omaha and it is not good around here. The UP railroad has raised the tracks over 3 feet so you know if they are doing that and spending the amount of money they are spending something will happen.
Been in my old building for 15 years but this building will be mine as I have bought it. Just don't want to move till all the remodel is done.
Will do pictures of the remodel. Have lots of pics of moving out of old building for the tax man LOL. Since this building will be mine I want it perfect or at least as close as possible.
Also got a new knee 2 weeks ago yesterday too. Lets see how much fun one person can have in a month or less.
No real flooding here, the closest is around Pierre, SD. The water damage I got was from all the rain we have had this spring up to now. I have sump pumps outside in the window wells but one time they didn't get plugged in :( the second time the electricity got tripped off :( :( ! We were camping both times and not at home, can you believe that! So now all the carpet had to have the water sucked out of it so we could pull it up along with the pad and low and behold more carpet, glued down, under that. So my husband is now trying to scrape it up off the floor and more of, low and behold, there is now tile under that, guess what? More scraping!! Oh what a mess. Oh yes and now there is old sticky glue to deal with. Anyway, a new shop ,a remodel and a new knee. You are one brave woman!! lol!!! I wish you all the best and am looking forward to your pictures!
Doesn't stuff always happen when your gone. We had no lights here last night after a wind storm went thru. Seems like it is one thing or another here lately.
The knee was a planned thing the water was not LOL.