Last year our local paper interviewed me and visited the store for a story on MD about the DOGS. After showing them how the DOGS deceive, they decided it was not a story, because they had access to the 3 big networks for sending, so they were no different than me (really). The other paper in town wants to do a 3 part series starting next week about the DOGS. They have asked for examples and I have some for them. They want to go through the whole process, so they will in fact place an order and follow it to me or where-ever it lands. I have my examples of towns and listings. Do you guys have any that are really extreme that you would like to share? Keep in mind if I use your example and if it's about you, you might receive a call from them to verify. My main focus is on the people in the description line that state, "serving xyz city" and clearly with no store there. I have one example where they have local chamber of commerce listed as there address (and yes, they are members of that chamber) so good angle for the story. Thanks in advance for the help.