New Entry Page

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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You can now begin your visit to FlowerChat at

I'll let you people beat it up over the weekend, and then you can let me know in this threat if anything needs tweaking.

By Monday I hope to have this as the main entrance to FlowerChat.

is there a place to view the whole "Shout box"?

Pretty cool... take some getting used to, but other than that I like the look...
Infinite said:
You can now begin your visit to FlowerChat at

I'll let you people beat it up over the weekend, and then you can let me know in this threat if anything needs tweaking.

By Monday I hope to have this as the main entrance to FlowerChat.


T-H-R-E-A-D, Ryan, sheesh! :rolleyes:
bloomz said:
T-H-R-E-A-D, Ryan, sheesh! :rolleyes:

I giggled when I saw that J... considering some of the posts over the past few days, I wondered about that "Freudian" slip. ;)

bloomz said:
T-H-R-E-A-D, Ryan, sheesh! :rolleyes:
It's a good thing Blue has bailed or I'd never hear the end of that :)

Think I'd get in trouble if I edited the post to correct the spelling?

Good night all - bed awaits.

(PS - JB, if you want to know a sure-fire way to get little JB to sleep through the night, let me know. Wesley is sleeping over 9 hrs a night now - was at 6 hours by 6 weeks old.)
No ... the shout box is just for the last three messages - just a fun place to leave a message.
In the "Latest Threads" section, I get "page cannot be found" errors from the "Last Post" links - both from work and home.

For example, the "Happy Birthday to Carol thread" link from the New Posts search displays and works just fine. The one from the new entry pages shows and gives a page error.

Also, out of curiosity, what does "On the Bubble" mean in the Forum Leaders page?

This page certainly puts a welcoming face on the board. :)
"On the Bubble" are people who have gone inactive for a time, and are sent a "We Miss You" notice. Longterm inactive accounts are purged.

I'm not sure why, but it seems some links are being built as .core instead of .php.

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