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New Member
Aug 13, 2007
State / Prov
Hello Everyone,

Big Tulip checking in, new from MA. 15 year designer, 8 years on my own as a wedding florist. Now producing shows and events, still jumping in with flowers whenever and wherever I can.
please tell us exactly where you are located and your business name.
Registered as a business in MA??
Answering Qs

To answer a few of your questions...yes, I have a business licence for my event company, but presently I'm not doing flowers...just helping out others when I'm needed. Working a lot on lighting design for weddings that include flowers and working with other florists.
Yes, I worked from a home studio, weddings only, when I was really out there working for myself. No...I no longer have a cooler.

I look forward to hearing more about all of you and getting some ideas and tips from others in the field.
If you are no longer working with flowers then what would you expect from the professionals who are members here?
This is a forum for those working in floristry on a daily basis and those wholesalers who perpetuate the floral trade.
I believe another forum in your field would be of more advantage to you.
Where exactly are you located... the information given is very ambiguous.

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