Agreed that a lot of florists need to work on marketing. It's a popular topic here. I prefer to think many of those owners as 'unskilled' or 'uninformed', however.
My apologies for the terminology
Let's discuss incoming money in terms of real dollars, which nets out to $49.85 after commissions and fees.
Do more volume and get your flowers for less money.. If you reject every the end of the day, you'll have nothing. P.S. I have yet to send an order for $70 that is rejected.
So the delivering florist gets the entire
$11.95 local delivery fee, too?
The $11.95 is the service fee, most often it is used to give a discount to the sender...I see that you didnt include the discount in your link....
So are the FlowerChat members from Boston, Nashville and Tampa where you're using local addresses in your ads. (And I'll add that they're neither "lazy" nor" dumb".)
Guess some of just adapt differently.
You can call them yourself and ask how they like me and what we do...You forget, I am a florist first. I do the day to day stuff just like the rest of you.
So nearly 14 years after the sale of FTD, a florist is successful my mastering the art of publishing ads claiming to be located in cities where they aren't?
Customers want to send flowers.....we can get them from point a to point b.....we dont limit ourselves to the little piece of the map in which we your doors and windows....its a big world out there....
Meola has done that for years and it earned him a lawsuit from the Florida Attorney General.
I dont know who meola is and i can assure you, i am not doing anything illegal nor anything different than the wire services you pay to belong to.
Alif Somani and Urban Florist got to be one of FTD's Top 5 in under 3 years. Not a man or company most of us would want to emulate.
alif somani is nothing to me.....i have a perfect record with the BBB, can he say the same???? dont think so....We are in no way alike...He was kicked from ftd, i am embraced....
Figured it would be easier to let you know that some FC members are already familiar with your company.