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New Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Jacques Flower Shop
Manchester, NH
Retail Florist

Good Day Flower Chat!

Jacques Flower Shop began as a greenhouse in 1910, founded by O. Rauol Jacques. When his only daughter, Colombe graduated from High School, she asked her father if she could start a flower shop component to his business. He agreed on the condition that she learn the trade. She rode the bus every day to Boston to learn the fine art of floral design, and did indeed open a flower shop. Soon it was the Depression, and Colombe often told us stories of making deliveries on her bicycle!
My parents, Paul and Nancy Godbout bought the flower shop in 1974, shortly after the birth of my brother, Paul III. My dad had been into Jacques buying flowers for my mom (still in the hospital with a newborn), and struck up a conversation with Colombe. She needed to sell her business as her husband was quite ill and required her constant attention. Although my folks had no prior experience in floristry, my father had his MBA from Ohio State University, and my mother used her artistic talent to help her complete her own floral design education in Boston.
My brothers and I grew up in the floral business, each of us earning our college degrees in other areas, but remaining tied to Jacques in one way or another. Today Paul owns his own mortgage company, Adam works part-time in the business and remains our advertising spokes-person with my mom. I am the corporate president, and my husband and I look forward to taking over the business in the future.
We employ about 24 "Jacquettes" and are committed to giving back to our community and respecting our environment. We are focused on the future of the retail florist and charting a course to best survive this tide of change. We look forward to chatting with you about the many issues that face our wonderful industry.

Thank you for your consideration,

Aimee Lindh
JAcques Flower Shop, INc.
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Hi Aimee
For members that do not know, Jacques is one of the top FTD senders.
In fact, this is the store that has decided to become a "send only FTD member". After doing a lot of anaylsis Paul wrote a letter saying they could no longer make money on incoming orders .. they accepted Just flowers, Flowers Sent Today and .com orders.. and from us their fellow florists...but no more.

Paul & Nancy have been active players in the NH floral industry serving on different boards, helping to try & develope a NH Floral Association and MC'ing at floral shows etc.

They also go to the FTD Top Member meetings so have a lot of insight as to where the 'big boys' are headed.. it would seem 'sending member status' is that direction so maybe they have the answer to ---

Originally Posted by BOSS
As things progress, the SFO game, will go on, but only to the point where once it grows and spreads across North America, it will begin to feed on itself to the point that there will be more SFO's than the system can handle because there will not be enough fillers in many areas to fill for the SFO's or even the wires for that matter


Originally Posted by Bigted
I think I disagree here. First, there is no shortage of fillers out there. The problem is, every day a bigger percentage of the fillers are desparate florists that will do anything to keep the doors open (can you blame them?). Unfortunately, the orders they send out tend to be under-valued junk that is doing serious damage to the industry. eventually, we end up with a few super-senders and an everchanging cast of fillers.

and how to make sure our outgoing orders don't end up at the less than talented pool of new fillers.

As a lot of people have said lately...the next few years in this industry will be a rough ride.. so tighten your seatbelts and hang on tight.
Hi Aimee and Jacques Florist,
Wow, that's quite an opening introduction for a new member. While I don't agree with the whole SFO stuff, I think there is a lot to learn from each other.

Welcome to Flowerchat - please let us know your perspective on this.

Hi Aimee and Jacques Florist,
Wow, that's quite an opening introduction for a new member. While I don't agree with the whole SFO stuff, I think there is a lot to learn from each other.

Welcome to Flowerchat - please let us know your perspective on this.


Welcome to flowerchat . Have always enjoyed talking to your Dad at various
Welcome Aimee!! (you'll have to get your father on this site too!)

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