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New Member
Jan 15, 2008
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I am a new user here but have been posting on another forum for about a week so I've got some idea of the format.
Another user suggested I give this one a go.
I have been in the business about 20 years. I had a large shop in a small seaside town on the East coast of England for about 15 years. We were a very busy shop and I spent my 30's working all the hours God sent to built a very successful business. The result of that was my personal relationship broke down and the business was sold when we parted.
I missed one Valentines and felt like a fish out of water so I bought another shop within the year. I am based in Colchester, Essex and I have now been here for 5 years.
My first shop was Interflora (so I remember the good old days) and the new shop was Teleflorist so I have experience of both. I made the decision a year ago to apply for Interflora membership as I felt it would be a step up and the order volumes would increase peoples awareness of us:iamwith:
This week I decided to resign my executing membership!!!!!
I have a lot to say about that.
I am a good commercial florist with a sound business head and bucket loads to offer here!!!!!
Look forward to meeting you all
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You could be quite an asset to this board. Welcome!
Treen I am delighted to see you here as well. To other FC'ers I would vote this lady in like a shot ... and not because she says nice things about me but because I think she talks a lot of sense - about everything not just relay - and is willing to share knowledge.

Treen, welcome to Flowerchat. You do indeed seem to have much to offer. :) This is a great site to share and learn.

V (Canada)
Welcome alone to FlowerChat, you have my vote.
Over the coming weeks you will find that FlowerChat forum members talk a lot of sense.
Welcome to Flowerchat, hope you enjoy your time here.
Welcome! Please share freely, for those of us still learning!
Welcome to FlowerChat! I have visited your lovely country and explored as many flower shops as time allowed when we were touring...delightful experience. You can always learn something new, even a tiny detail is worthy when noted. Enjoy!! Polly Berginc, AIFD
Sorry for the delay!


Sorry it has taken sooooooooooooo long to pop up here again but I have been a busy bunny elsewhere!

I have discovered my self to be a bit of a forum addict, in the same way I don’t play computer games for fear of addiction, I have had to ban myself over the peak from getting involved here.

I have become a very vocal user on the UK’s Floristnews site which I find totally rousing and inspiring. Now I have a LITTLE more time I will try to get involved here too.

I have been reading a lot of your posts and MY GOD what a lot to take in!

What I have read has filled in some gaps on my opinion and reinforced my thoughts on the current scenario regarding UK relay in general and in particular the manifestation of our beloved IF in to what you florist in the states have already experienced with FTD!

Talk about history repeating itself!

Us Brits are renowned for being the makers of “history”, perhaps that’s why we’re not so quick on the uptake of heeding the warnings we could derive from experiences elsewhere in the world?

I deliberately came looking for somewhere to discuss what for me was an agonising decision. I “pulled the plug” on the 2000 incoming orders a year and I wanted some reassurance that I’d made the right decision. I stated the facts and figures I collected over the past 12 months on the other forum and begged for some advice from those that professed to “make it pay”. I was initially surprised that NO ONE had a tenable argument against my findings and their only means of recourse was an attempt to belittle my credibility. I know the euphoria of successfully completing these volumes clouds any judgement you make on a financial basis but to ignore them has disastrous consequences! I am old school IF and remember the days when splits were fairer and the structure worked FOR the member and not as a money making burden to which we were leashed. Those days are gone and under it’s present guise has NO chance of recovery here either!

There are still members (in the UK) that wallow in the “GLORY” of servicing what I describe amusingly as “this unfaithful husband”........ they’ll pop up here I’m sure:). It is a fitting analogy ....... we once loved this husband dearly, we had our ups and downs with him but he was generally a faithful chap. He is now out only for what he can get from us and is sleeping with more than one mistress. He preys on the allegiance he gained from the old days to keep us in his bed! Even though we are aware of his infidelities we choose not to acknowledge them for fear of loosing him altogether. We are mere mortals in this affair and know that by confronting him we have to be prepared for change ...... something some of us fear more than ruin itself!

Those in the uk that enjoy fruitful local trade are able to subsidise the meagre profits available on their relay orders and survive this game. Those that rely on this trade will hit the deck first! When I looked for a shop to buy 5 years ago there were very few IF shops for sale! If I look today I could have the pick of the bunch! The other IF member in my town was one of the biggest members in the country 5 years ago ...... over the past 3 years it has changed hands 3 times! All good for me but it is a signal of what happens when relay trade is your bread and butter.

Every one has a right to base their business decisions on their own experiences. I would never feel myself qualified to offer advice in this area or act as a direct influence to anyone. What I am prepared to do is SHARE my experience ( as I have with Florist News users) it is up to them what they do with that info! They can use it, question it or dismiss it ........ it is of NO consequence to me! I refrain from voicing my opinions unless I am a) asked for them or b) so incited that I simply can’t keep my big mouth shut!

On an UP note I have, as a direct consequence to my decision to “go it alone”, enjoyed the most fabulous, the most profitable, the most enjoyable and the most inspirational peak ever in 20 years! At the risk of sounding dramatic I feel like I’ve finally “seen the light”. My local trade is booming and whilst I feel a tad responsible I can’t help thinking that it’s a little to do with the extra pressure the other florists in my area have had to deal with from the relays! Whatever it is BRING IT ON! I’M LOVIN IT!


I have posted a lot of my work in the Gallery on Floristnews and to my great surprise it has caused a lot of interest! Having looked at the photo Gallery here on Flower Chat I see that there’s not a lot of the sort of stuff I do shown there. I am well aware that these “weird” things are not everyone's “cup of tea” ....... hell their not mine either really ....... but the more I do of them the more people seem to want them..... who am I to argue! I have shared with users on the other forum some tips and techniques I have developed over the years doing these things and ( GOD ONLY KNOWS WHERE I'LL GET THE TIME) I am happy to share here too.


YES........ the Betty Boo picture by my user name is made of flowers!
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Wow, Treen! Bring it on! You surely are a good writer!

We too are WS free again after trying Teleflora again after having dropped it and FTD a couple of years ago. Having a WS certainly did not work for us. Well, it did work in a way. When we could not find a florist willing to take a direct order with our credit card, or who did not want to give the 80/20 split, we would resend the order via the WS. The florist always accepted that. I'll never understand that logic.


Actually I’m not wire free! I decided to pull the plug after counting every, single, last penny over xmas on my relay orders. I felt it was too late by then to expect my girls to take on a new system for sending over the up coming peak. I am at present (I’ll probably get my knuckles wrapped for voicing here...... but hey ho......) still a classified (sending) member. I am at a loss right now to find a suitable alternative!

I have agonised over my decision to stay sending but look at it this way .......... for the immediate short term:
As an executing member I busted a gut to fulfil these orders to the best of my ability as a commercial florist. I never gave poor quality or took anything that was unethical from the order values. I had a clean complaint record and used my skills as a florist to find ways to do these orders and make as much money as I could in the process. That was on average 10%. IF is the only WS here, with the coverage I need to offer a full sending service to a customers who wants to send relay, that insists on a common standard. I believe that it’s members are conscientious to the point where that standard is adhered to. At this present time ALL the orders I send are executed by another member and not dispatched by courier (I know this will be short lived but believe me the minute that changes I am GONE).

So you see I am lucky in as much as I don’t need the incoming relay business. I am however relying on the fact that the poor executing florist is fulfilling my outgoing orders for next to no profit and at a standard I can’t find a match for ( or the coverage I need to offer my customer a professional service).

I have been a Teleflorist member ( the shop I have now was TF when I bought it) but they too have their problems. All the other WS alternatives that have a workable structure generally do not have the coverage I would deem to be sufficient for my needs. Those that have a standard have no coverage and those that have coverage have little or no enforced standard.

That leaves me with 2 alternatives:
1) I continue to “sleep with the devil” and remain a classified member, in the knowledge that I am a contributor to a sure end, in order to get my orders executed at a standard I can pretty much guarantee.
2) I fumble about with my credit card looking for a florist who does not have his hands tied behind his back with regard to accepting orders from an independent and chance my orders to a standard I have no knowledge of.


I believe that time is closing in....... I don’t think it will be long before our HQ implements a system where we will have no knowledge as to whether our outgoing orders are delivered by courier or by a fellow member. I have to be prepared for that when it comes!

Wish I could shout


On an UP note I have, as a direct consequence to my decision to “go it alone”, enjoyed the most fabulous, the most profitable, the most enjoyable and the most inspirational peak ever in 20 years! At the risk of sounding dramatic I feel like I’ve finally “seen the light”. My local trade is booming and whilst I feel a tad responsible I can’t help thinking that it’s a little to do with the extra pressure the other florists in my area have had to deal with from the relays! Whatever it is BRING IT ON! I’M LOVIN IT!

I am delighted that you will find time on this side as well. I thnik it will add to the mix and maybe you can take back the things to toher florists in the UK that I felt were so important and why I wanted this internationla link.

As far as shouting Oh that I could join in . Last time I published stories like yours in the magazine I got criticised by IF big time and was made to feel I had done something wrong yet they were very happy when I wrote nice things about them. Funny huh!

As you know I am only TOO willing to share ........ I have however found that many don’t want to know and I’m not about to shove it down their throats.

A few day’s after I started using the UK site a thread popped up that was originally posted 2 years previously ........ it was exclaiming at the possibilities of our major WS’s boxing and couriering. Two years down the road and the discussion was rekindled as if it were todays news! By the time some take heed of the looming prospective it will be too late ....... we don’t have another 2 years to wake up and smell the proverbial roses. 2 years from now they will be posting their grievances in oversized, bold, capitals on the forum hoping that someone... anyone... will listen!
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