Nice balance

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George Simon

I Suck Cuz I'm Banned
Nov 19, 2002
Staten Island
State / Prov
Here is a neighborhood florist with a nice balance of incoming vs outgoings.
Was there yesterday upgrading him to flowerSoft 2004.
Told me he had to send Teleflora a $12,000 check last month.
I told him that was a good thing.
He told me when money leaves your pocket is never a good thing. ;)
George based on the information screen shots I had to look at this years first quarter results and plug those figures into the year end total you provided with the first screen shot.

Based on the screen shots, it looks like Local sales are down all though the % revenue is up a little and Outgoing is down and Incomings are down so far this year. Is this just scratching the surface?.
Blue, the quarter is not over yet. They have another 3 full weeks to go.
Their sales are up by almost $200 per day when compared the last year's numbers.
Local orders are up. Outgoings are down but incomings remain abour the same. The average order amount is up a substantial amount in all three categories.

I keep hearing things are bad, sales and customers are being lost to grocery stores and OGs, but every flowerSoft user I check seems to be doing better this year than last.

I kept hearing that Valentine's Days was going to be bad (same thing I hear every year) but just about every one I've talked to had a good Valentine's Day week.

I think florists are, by the most part, a pesimistic lot. :)
Very nice balance indeed!

Neighborhood florist, almost 2 million in sales (excluding cash & carry, I'm sure) with 40% of his customer database active. Almost 5,500 new accounts during the past year, that's an average of over 15 new accounts each and every day. Over 25% of his older accounts remain active.
They do not fill for 800 Flowers. Their ratio of outgoing to incoming is very good. Open 7 days a week. 6 designers always on hand (12 altogether) except Sunday usually only 4. 5 girls in the office Monday through Saturday, 2 on Sunday.
They must be doing something right. What can it be? ;)

Heck George I asked you about why our sales do not match what Soft say's about the State Tax Liability figures and you told me it was a fraction problem?.

We are ready to scrap the financial report of this system because everday we back up what sales are for us and these figures are written in a book and at the end of the month Soft's report does not match.

No slam just the facts and figures we have with our shop .
I told you flowerSoft reports the tax you collected.
I wrote another program to show the tax you owe.
There is even a screen shot of that.
Tax collected = Tax you owe far as I can tell...

My sys, is always within a couple pennies, due to rounding...
A couple of pennies a day?
That sounds about right.
Blue wants to get the tax figure from a report that shows the tax collected, not the tax owed. I can't change that report because columns would then not add up properly.
Here is a screen shot of the report for that store we were looking at. 3 months, big numbers and the difference is only $1.04
This is the report he's looking to get the sales tax figures from.
However, this report shows sales tax collected and is off from the actual amount owed because of the rounding that takes place.
Yea, as far as I can tell the tax you take in and the tax you pay will never be the same. It is just like the tax on a group of items can be slightly different depending on whether they are paid for in a lump sum of paid for individually.
Rounding does change things a bit.

In Advantage we have tha ability to set it up to either, round up or down based on the 3rd digit past the decmil. Or to ignore the third digit alltogether.

Also, we are able to always round down, or up, and since I have mine set to always round up, I come out very close. Tax collected= Tax owed.
Mathematically spealing, you round up if the next decimal is 5 or greater. In flowerSoft mathematical precision is up to 8 digits after the decimal point. So a number like:
24.744444445 will round to 24.75 if you are using 2 decimals.
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