Nice Contract

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Dwarf December Sales?!?!?!??!, How about Dwarf 2004! What an honor...I love how he compares it to a Realllllly Big Wedding:) Thanks for sharing!
Pretty cool BUTT!

I want to know where those 100,000 florists are...must be world wide???

OK, who's got the list?
As always, the news gets it 'a little bit right.'

Ian Prosser is a member of the SAF VOLUNTEER Team. He is a wonderful designer, an excellent organizer, and an unflappable leader who has also headed the design team at the SAF convention for the last few years.

SAF has put together a design team for nearly every US presidential inaugural since the 70's. In most cases, designers pay their own way to Washington, DC and volunteer their time. Hotel rooms are paid for by SAF through the $ given to the organization by the Inaugural committee. (Which aren't much, BTW)

The $5 million is flowers is primarily DONATED by growers.

Everyone works their fannies off in cold, cold conditions,

Here are some other florists that also got press about their participation:

Here's an article about Ian's particpation that more thoroughly explains the 'pay.',0,2036584.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

The real 'pay' is a personal satisfaction of being a part of the event.
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