This thread exists to provide a place to post problems that you have had with a specific filling shop.
It is by no means a reflection of an individual shops standards or business practices, nor should it be perceived as a "Do Not Use" list. It is simply a place to detail a problem that a sending shop has experienced with a filling shop.
So here are some simple guidelines to follow
1) For consistency list the filling shops name and city in the title field
2) If the shop is a wire member list their member code(s) in the posting
3) Provide as much detail of the problem incident as possible
- Date
- Details of the problem and what occurred. Be fair!
- Details of how the problem was resolved or was not resolved
If you can not provide the actual details DO NOT POST!
Here is what you can NOT include in your posting
a) NO slurs, NO personal attacks, NO negative opinions of a shop or its management!
The purpose of this thread is not to crucify a shop or personally rant about what you perceive as shortcomings. So for everyone's sake keep it professional and stick to the details!
If you happen to find your own shops name posted on this thread, simply reply to the posting (be sure to quote it) with your version of incident. Lets faces it, even the best shops have the occasional problem filling an order. On the other hand if you find your shops name keeps coming up on this list it might be time to seriously revue your procedures in house.
What is the purpose of this thread?
We are all attempting to better service our customers, unfortunately when sending an order out of town many times a shop is working blind. This list may assist a sending shop in determining how to send an order, naturally the final choice lies solely in the hands of the sending shop.
It is by no means a reflection of an individual shops standards or business practices, nor should it be perceived as a "Do Not Use" list. It is simply a place to detail a problem that a sending shop has experienced with a filling shop.
So here are some simple guidelines to follow
1) For consistency list the filling shops name and city in the title field
2) If the shop is a wire member list their member code(s) in the posting
3) Provide as much detail of the problem incident as possible
- Date
- Details of the problem and what occurred. Be fair!
- Details of how the problem was resolved or was not resolved
If you can not provide the actual details DO NOT POST!
Here is what you can NOT include in your posting
a) NO slurs, NO personal attacks, NO negative opinions of a shop or its management!
The purpose of this thread is not to crucify a shop or personally rant about what you perceive as shortcomings. So for everyone's sake keep it professional and stick to the details!
If you happen to find your own shops name posted on this thread, simply reply to the posting (be sure to quote it) with your version of incident. Lets faces it, even the best shops have the occasional problem filling an order. On the other hand if you find your shops name keeps coming up on this list it might be time to seriously revue your procedures in house.
What is the purpose of this thread?
We are all attempting to better service our customers, unfortunately when sending an order out of town many times a shop is working blind. This list may assist a sending shop in determining how to send an order, naturally the final choice lies solely in the hands of the sending shop.