OG orders vs real florist orders

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
Northern CA
State / Prov
I'm curious as to how many orders most shops get from real florists vs order gathers either TF or FTD? I know that some of you don't take any of the OG's orders but I think that most shops do. As an example, we rarely get orders from real florists through FTD. Most of the FTD orders that come through are from FTD.com, 1800.con, or various other OG's.
On the other hand most of the TF orders that come through are from real shops. We occasionally get an HQ order but not more than a few a month. We also get at least 3 to one orders from TF over FTD so it would seem that most shops are sending TF at least out here anyway.
Another thing that I do when I have time is cross ref the shops to see if they are duo WS shops, this is easy enough since I have both the dove and the merc on the same pc I can have both directory windows open at the same time. I would say that close to 96% of all shops that I send or recieve from are members of both services, yet most of the orders come over the dove.
I wonder why that is?
No known OG orders here. We get more attempts from OG through TF though.
No FTD OG's any more ... we're FTD free :)

The only TF OG orders we get are from our friendly neighbourhood Flowers by Sears shops - which are promptly rejected.
We get the occasional 1-800 that is worth our while - most we reject. Our main OG is Floraworld in Edmonton - we get a lot of requests from them.

Originally posted by Audra
Our main OG is Floraworld in Edmonton - we get a lot of requests from them.

Yes, they got an award from Teleflora Canada not all that long ago also for all their great OGing work, nice picture of them in Flowers& InBloom section.
Many call on the phone???

No longer FTD now, just TF. I reject the OG I can identify. Sometimes my mom takes the order off the printer first and I don't see it. She is too old to be trained in this so I just deal with it. But for the most part I find that justflowers (CA) and all american floral (NJ) call on the phone first. Easy and quick to reject on phone! I reject due to principle. I just do not want to contribute to the demise of my own livelyhood. :cool:
and you really have to watch out for justflowers.com
not only are they OG's but they skim the orders also. I looked up a couple of their orders on their website and found that they were sending considerable less than they were charging. I won't take anything from them either.
Small town here and we get 95% of our OG orders through FTD.
Only on occasion have I found a Dove order as OG. One was National Balloon or something like that and the rare OKC order.
Will not take 800Flowers orders by phone, tell them straight out, merc it so I have it on paper when they refuse to get a second choice. Now they try to Dove to a shop over 45 minutes away by interstate north of us. But the BloomNet Rep was here last week, so I'm sure the correspondance school girls in the next town over will pick them up (cheap wire service for them).
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