Oh, those crafters....

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God... some people have too much time on their hands. ;)

I especially like the tampon toupee, and tampon menorah!


I, too, am amazed that you found this website. What were you looking for, Cathy?

A few weeks ago, I had to take a gag gift to a lady about 65 years old. So, I made her a tampon christmas tree to remind her of her young past and to remind her how great menopause was. I had no idea it was an art form. Now, I feel as if I have wasted my life on fresh flowers.....this can take me in a whole new direction with my creativity.

Carol Bice
I wanna enter this thread, and can't cope with what I'm thinking....

Go ahead Mike, enter... no strings attached. :)

I must admit, I'm very imaginative in many many areas of my life, however, tampons have never entered that sphere!

The link to the Tampon how-to result was #5 - right after ftd.com. :eek:

Placement is everything isn't it. ;)

iky uwee.....
just don't add water and as for the toupee' take your umbrella :)
And to think, I was just planning an "flower arrangment in a vase" class for tomorrow night! Hope this does not catch on in my town-I thought the tissue paper flowers were tacky!
Has anyone seen the new Tampax commercial?

They say "We're not number one, but we're right up there!" :spintongu
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