oldtownflowers Intro

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update to intro

this shop has been in buisness over 15 years I have been doing this for 25 years
I Self/family taught, grew up in a family owned shop.
I was refered by an email that was in my in box
exchanging ideas ect is a great way to expand and contibute
commercial building

that was a draft didn't know it was going to post imediatly thought I could get back to it...

I grew up in a family owned shop. And 2 years ago I took over this shop with my mom (she sold the one she got from grandma and tried to retire) just can't get it out of our sytems!
Would like to talk to others and exchange ideas on how to get rid of the wire services and still be able to stay in buisness AND KEEP ALL OUR MONEY instead of them getting it all. Is this possible to do?

Exchanging ideas ect is a great way to expand and contibute to the floral community and like a sponge I love to find new things to learn about and soak it all up. In these hard economic times we need all the help we can get.
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Reactions: sharonbrannigan
Welcome!!! Thanks for adding on to your intro!
Welcome! This is a great place.
welome! Grap a cuppa coffee and start reading. This is the place for knowledge!
Welcome to the FlowerChat Community

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