One Customer's Life

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Oct 31, 2002
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She just turned 80. She had to put her husband in a home last year. She has a bad hip, failing eyesight... and has a son with Downs and early onset Alzheimers.

He turned 53 today and there was a bowling party waiting for him... he loves bowling and balloons and brightly coloured flowers. He likes to wear his tuxedo and his cumberbund... he likes to bow when happy birthday is sung to him (he bowed to me).

She shared part of her life with me... I'm glad. I gave her a rose, she gave me a hug, and Conrad bowed... again.

They have a special bond and I was so happy to be a witness to that kind of love.

"One of the best things about love---the feeling of being wrapped, like a gift, in understanding." Anatole Broyard.

Thanks so much for sharing this story. Sometimes we tend to get so wrapped up in the details of our business and all of its challenges that we need to be reminded of the basic emotions that our products are used to convey. We can't let OG's, wire services, and all harden our hearts. Danny
I had the same reaction as Ten.

V, thanks for sharing and inspiring. Sometimes we forget about the truths in life and hidden blessings cloaked in the haziness of our fast paced life.

There are but only a few and I have learned at a young age that giving is one of the secrets to life.

You are truly an ambassador to our industry, well done Victoria. :)
People with no worries in life...

For them there is no worries. I often have Debbie drop in the flower shop with the people she supports. Some of the stories she tells me sometime is funny, like one night she is doing her last round in the apt. and one of her client is buck naked.... Tells Debbie he was cold....I say he wanted to be FREE....

THank V,
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