paradise bird Intro

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paradise bird

Active Member
Oct 21, 2008
Kill Devil Hills, Outer Banks
State / Prov
I opened Brooks the Florist 12 years ago
My college education is in Biology and art, before attending college I completed a 2 year technical school to become a Certified Horticulturist.
For many years we have used to Flower Chat for whats going on with other florist.
I hope to gain valuable information on day to day happenings without the cloud of the wire services. And the sense of community, that I'm not alone out here in the flower business.
I have owned many businesses, restaurants, gift shop, grocery delivery, publishing, web marketing and developing etc. I bring valuable experience to the table for any new busines owners.
We are located in a mall on the Main Highway in the center of town, flanked by Walgreens, cvs and the Pet shop
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Welocme to flowerchat...It sounds as though you have some extensive business experience as well as floral...I hope you contribute often..
Hmm, interesting...are you two shops or merged shops? In other words why Vista Florist and Brooks at Vista Florist?
I notice your website is a Teleflora site. Are you planning on dropping them?
Welcome ~ Rhonda
We had two stores, one of which was florist, gift shop, home decor garden center and greenhouse Vista Florist, gifts, gardencenter, the other Brooks the Florist in a strip mall florist with some art and gifts. We are on the coast in a vacation resort and have become hard hit by the economic situation. We closed Vista Florist at the end of August. We are currently in the process of renaming websites, emails etc.
Thanks, it was a bit confusing looking at your site. I got actually 3 names I think, Blooms, Vista, and a town or county (can't remember).
Welcome aboard !
Rhonda, you beat me to my question! I was also a bit confused with the website and different names.

Thanks paradise bird for answering and clearing that up.

Welcome to our community, I hope you learn lots and contribute lots as well.
Welcome Paradise.

Welcome to FlowerChat land
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