Peace makers

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New Member
Dec 7, 2002
Syracuse, N.Y.
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I guess the 80% results for non cencorship in the previous thread has no meaning. Considering the ability to respond was denied.

So I guess I gotta do so here.

If women are really the peacemakers, what are all those Middle Eastern women doing? I think there locked up in there home covered from head to toe with the dining room table cloth. Subject to the severest penalities if they do anything other than the wishes of there husbands. But then Daddyo goes and blowes himself up some where so he can go and frolic arround with a whole room of virgins.

Now JOAN of ARCH. She's my kind of Women. One who's willing to fight for what they believe in.
Hey Knife, remember what happened to Phlop on the other board? Soon some of us, though against censorship, may start asking Ryan to banish you too.
STOP PICKING ON THOSE WHO HAVE DIFFERENT CUSTOMS AND VIEWS THAN YOU!!!!!!! It's unprofessional!!! It may surprise you BUT others views are at least EQUAL to yours.
PS Sorry my tongue was getting sore from biting it....
Arch?? ARCH?!? Is that like Arch of the Covenient *vapid look*

*pounds her head of the desk*
Joan of "ARC". Don't get me started, PLEASE, don't get me started.

I don't feel that I was "picking"on anyone. Just responding to someone elses views. One that I see as being viewed through too rosey a pair of glasses.

As far as others customes and views. I can't say for sure whos your refering to. If It's Victoria, then i'm only looking for her to substanciate her statement about women being the peace makers. Being an avid reader of history, I don't seem to be able to recall who she is refering to. Margaret Thatcher is the last female political leader of note. And as I recall, she went to the South Atlantic back in 82 and kicked some serious butt. When most of the western press gave her little chance of acomplishing her gaol.

If your refering to the views and customes of those from the Middle East. Well they are welcome to their views too. It's just that some of them their welcome to keep them OVER THERE. Unfortunitaly, they chose to export some of them that run completely counter to western democratic principles. They even run counter to mainstream Islam.

As for asking Ryan to get rid of me. If thats what you want, then go for it. It's no real skin off my nose. I express my views on the subject at hand. Your welcome to take it or leave it. I wouldn't take what I say here as a personal attack on anyone. Combative, yes. If someone wants to give a rebuttal to what I post. It should really be a little more indepth than a spelling error.

There is a comparison that can be made between the western press and its coverage of current events and those of the major wire services with reguards to 3rd party vendors. To report in depth the current conficts with reguards to Muslum Fundimentalism would only inflame the population to the point of a rush to war. That support should really come primarly from women! Considering they have the most to lose in the end
The same would true if the wire services actually layed out the ecomonic rammmifications to their members of supporting the the companys ordergathering operations. Not to mention the support given to the myrid collection of SFOs they support. You see, to fully discuss these issues would end in their demise. War is war. it only showes itself in different forms.
Oh puhleese.

I'm going to be one happy camper when this whole tract goes wooosh down the drain. Fundamentalism of any type is dangerous - whether Abu Nidal preaches it or George Bush does. Trends indicate that religion isn't the dangerous element... it's the fanaticism. A fanatic of any persuasion has historically been a dangerous animal and we have far to many of them on both sides. I can and will cite examples if asked.

Can we please jettison the Muslim part and just agree that fundimentalism/fanatics are a pain in the @$$ and let it go at that?

As for the 'historically woman are the peacemakers' thread. My time as a history undergrad tells me that's a lot of hooey. I don't agree with knife but I have to say that on this, Knife is right. Historically woman are NOT the peacemakers, traditionally woman have not held the power enough to make that determination. Plenty of female leaders have proved it to be pure b.s. They don't call Mary the First of England "Bloody" for nothing. If you want more names, I can provide them...

Audrea.I agree, fundimentilism in all its forms are dangerous. However, the current conflect we face is religous in it's very nature. Irreguardless of the fact that the western press is doing everything in its power to present the circumstances otherwise. The press has a habit of deminishing the value of Christen faith in general. While supporting Secular humanism to the point of quazie religous status. Usually at the expence of all 3 of the Abrahamic Monotheistic Faiths.

It would be nice to leave "Muslums" out of the equasion. Unfortunately, To do so in the name of political correctness would only gloss over the the root cause of the problem. while missrepresenting the nature of the danger we face.

As a minority, Fundimentilist Christens do have there own adjenda, but they still work within the political structure to attempt passageof laws they would like to see passed. They are not standing in the Pulpit of hreir Churches advocating the congeration to strap bombs arround themselfs and blow up anyone who they feel doesn't observe Gods laws as they interepert them.

Obsoviously this subject can go round and round for as long as any two florists get involved. How many time do florists see the world the same anyway.

If you wish to read THE TWO FACES OF ISLAM. by Stephen Schwartz. Doubleday publishing. You'll get a better understanding of where I'm comming from. I wouldn't consider this work to be the be all or end all on the subject. It will give enough understanding as to the basic nature of the problem we face. While extrapolation the info to the current world structure will give explainations as to why so many of our "allies" have cold feet.
Knife, I've read it. Like any other work, it has bias in it.

I agree with one part of what you said above, this subject will go around and around.

I consider fundamentalist Christians every bit as dangerous as fundamentalist Moslems. You don't. We are not going to agree on it so I'm going to let it go.

I'm sorry but I'm one of those people that believes that the U.S. wouldn't give a **** about Saddam Hussein and company if he didn't have a billion gallons plus of crude under his feet. Our government has been propping up Israel and we've interferred in the Middle East for over 50 years. This is part of that instigation. It's like Ireland, religion only appears to be the issue.

Well, if the leftists in the US let us drill the North Slope of Alaska. We wouldn't need to worry too much about the US energy needs.

Saddams militancy has served its purpose. It's time for him to go. Iraqis will be waving the American flag of liberation when the time comes. Much to the suprise of the rest of the world. The Saudis won't be happy, but in reality, that's the whole point. The Oil in Iraq will finally be put to better uses than the upkeep of a large army/police state. While deminishing the need to pretend that the Saudis are our friends.
Originally posted by flowerknife+us
Well, if the leftists in the US let us drill the North Slope of Alaska. We wouldn't need to worry too much about the US energy needs.

Saddams militancy has served its purpose. It's time for him to go. Iraqis will be waving the American flag of liberation when the time comes. Much to the suprise of the rest of the world. The Saudis won't be happy, but in reality, that's the whole point. The Oil in Iraq will finally be put to better uses than the upkeep of a large army/police state. While deminishing the need to pretend that the Saudis are our friends.

****IT K.........

I hate it when we agree....maybe we should talk on the telly some day....
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