Perspectives and the Economy

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Oct 31, 2002
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I've long thought that I choose to make my place in the world better or worse... it's all in my perspectives. I subscribe to Ron White's Ezine and this installment made me smile and to some degree pat myself on the back for understanding this rather simple concept.


His name is Rambo and I saw him just a few months ago in Afghanistan...

Actually his name is Jamal Udin and he was born in Kabul 'about 41 years ago' no one really knows - not even him. I have shared with many of you that I am a Navy reservist and spent 2007 deployed to Afghanistan. When rolling through the gates of Camp Phoenix in a convoy one day I saw a man with an Army uniform on and a name tag that said, 'RAMBO'. I told my driver, 'That guy's name is RAMBO!' He laughed and gleefully said, 'That's excellent!' Turns out his name wasn't really Rambo... it was Jamal and I later got the full story (searching 'Rambo Camp Phoenix' on the internet you can see the man I met).

He was a truck driver and his wife and children were killed by a Taliban rocket in the 1990s and he fled to Pakistan. After 2001 he returned to watch the Taliban lose control of Kabul... a happy day for him. He begged the military to let him work for us and we put him at the front gate as security. In four years, Rambo has taken only 4 days off and earned his nickname on a day of heroics. He noticed a car heading towards the gate and, instead of taking cover he raced to the car, flung the door open and pulled out the suicide bomber moments before he killed everyone at the gate. Since then...he is Rambo...He is loved by everyone on that base and they got him a uniform, a place to live on base and a television set.

I was reminded of this story this morning when I spoke at a meeting in Dallas and two people stood up and talked about the 'poor economy'. I couldn't help but think....'Rambo would think this economy was booming.' In his country life expectancy is 46 years old and there is 40% unemployment. Rambo is risking his life in the hopes that his economy will be half as strong as the one many at the meeting today took for granted and grumbled about. I returned from Afghanistan in December with an incredibly optimistic perspective. My business is stronger than it has ever been - because I see so many opportunities. If I could get Rambo over here he would be giddy at the opportunities and economy. He would thrive because of his perspective.

Your success is often determined by how you choose to look at circumstances. It is all a matter of perspective. I don't doubt sales can be tough sometimes, however, I also know an optimistic perspective always finds a way.

The last time I rolled through the gates of Camp Phoenix I rendered Rambo a salute out of respect and he smiled. Rambo, I am grateful for the lesson on perspective that you and many others like you taught me.
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Most excellent.
Thanks for this Victoria!!
I'd forward it to CNN but they'd likely round file it as it's not in a negative vein. ;)

It actually made me look at my life and my business in a very positive light, and I thank you for posting that Vic.

Life is most excellent indeed.
Outstanding post, Victoria.

It is all about perspectives. It is so nice to read something so positive for a change.

Carol Bice
Some days are harder than others, your posting makes this one a wonderFULL day.

Thank you.
Great Story.

I think if we could just get the media to stop reminding us everyday on how much more we are paying for things we would all be much better off.

We have had it good for a very long time!! If you need a refresher course just head down to the mexico border and get a taste of how things really could be. I have gone to Vietnam twice to visit family and both times I have returned glad for everything that we have here.

Thanks again for sharing..
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