petersflo Intro

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New Member
Feb 7, 2009
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My website address is I myself have been working in the shop here for over 30 years. My family has owned this shop for 50 years this year. I learned what I know by working here, except for the courses and seminars/workshops offered by wireservices. I read about Flowerchat on Facebook. I hope to meet other like minded florists who are trying to survive in today's economy. Our shop is a stand alone shop in a suburban area on the East Coast
peter's florist

welcome to flowerchat. i used to visit peter's on a regular basis during the 70's. a first class operation. walt farnham was one of the guys that toughened up a young wire service rep for what he was going to face later in life.
in truth....all excellent memories.
Welcome to the community. Once you find your way around you'll discover a wealth of information.

Welcome aboard DA BOARD Connie!

Well GIRL, it certainly took ya long enough to join up with us FC Chatters!

Folks, Connie is a SWEETHEART and she is opinionated with a passion, which is why, she will be an asset to Flower Chat! KISSES and HUGS to Connie!
Hi Welcome...look forward to getting to know you!
Welcome from another Connie!
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