I have to say that I was so discouraged with the weddings that I was getting in the beginning of my biz...I couldn't connect with the bride's I was either way to cheap or way to expensive for their budget or I just didn't sell them anything they liked...I think I was trying to hard and seemed desparate. I would make up samples and ask them to come back, I would get their quote out within 24hrs, I wouldn't press for a deposit right away...
I am doing thngs a bit different now...Now I ask more quetsions at the appointment setup so I can make up something for them to look at during the consult so they can actually see what I can do..I sak them to send me pictures of things they like through email, so I have an idea of what I am selling before they come and have stuff ready to show them in the books, if I even use them...and I now give a quick estimate and I press for a booking letting them know that thier weekend is popular and I have brides already interested, even if I don't...It just pushes bride's who think they like me to make a choice quicker...I am glad to say that I have booked every wedding I sat with this past year and I have tripled the amount of weddings for this year and am well on the way to doing the same for next...I still could use a whole lot more..
How long did it take you veteran's to build your wedding business? I am just getting close to my 5th year, is this about right?