Playin the horses ...

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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So the other day I'm visiting a flower shop and the driver is getting ready to go home for the day. He pulls out a race card for betting on races all across north america and starts collecting money from folks at the shop.

The manager's name is Lisa, so she finds a horse called Tables from Lisa and decides that's the one to bet on.

Now, I've never bet on horses, and don't know much about the process. But, it seems like fun, so I glance at the sheet to see if there are any names that jump out at me. Given my ignorance with horses I have to go by name, cuz I sure don't know a thing about the individual nags. Sure enough I quickly find a horse called Daisykiller. Ironic? You bet! A winner? Doubtful, she's listed at 20:1. Just based on the name, I put down $20.

The driver kindly explains to me that 20:1 means "It just ain't gonna happen" and that by race time it will likely be closer to 60:1. What the heck, I think, it's such a perfect name.

The good news: I checked online the next day, and my horse came through, paying $112.20 for a $2 bet. I ain't no math whiz, but I can figure that if $2 gets you $112.20, $20 should get me $1,122.00!!!

The bad news: The driver didn't get to the track to place our bets because he had forgotten about a previous dinner engagement.

Easy come ... easy go. I did think about buying a 649 ticket ($42 mil jackpot, no tax) but I decided that I should be happy with getting my $20 back and call it quits.

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