Political Posts

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
OK, here's the deal ...

Politics seems to be a hot topic, and far be it from me to shut down a hot topic. BUT - things were getting a little out of hand, so I've opened the new Politics Free-For-All forum.

Forums -> Social -> Politics

ALL Political posts belong in that forum, and only that forum. Any posts touching on politics outside that forum will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be hit with a 3-day suspension.

Now that we've dealt with the negative, here are the rules for the new forum:


Ok, if you didn't get it .... there are no rules. That means you can say what you want, post what you want ... go NUTZ ... But NOBODY had better complain to me about any hurt feelings. The politics forum is for big boys and girls to play in. If you don't want any, stay out. If you want some ... come in and get some :)


Thank you Ryan! I was getting tired of checking into the board and finding everyone fighting about Brian Mulrooney and Johhny Creton all the time!!! :)
Ladies and Gentleman,
Rock said:
Thank you Ryan! I was getting tired of checking into the board and finding everyone fighting about Brian Mulrooney and Johhny Creton all the time!!! :)

:) I too say thank you Ryan... and Rock thank you too for the giggle. :soapbox:

Infinite said:
OK, here's the deal ...
Forums -> Social -> Politics
ALL Political posts belong in that forum, and only that forum. Any posts touching on politics outside that forum will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be hit with a 3-day suspension.

At the risk of sounding like my husband, "Dude! Nice one, Dude!"

Infinite said:
Now that we've dealt with the negative, here are the rules for the new forum:

Ok, if you didn't get it .... there are no rules. That means you can say what you want, post what you want ... go NUTZ ... But NOBODY had better complain to me about any hurt feelings. The politics forum is for big boys and girls to play in. If you don't want any, stay out. If you want some ... come in and get some :)

Clear as crystal...
And Ryan? Thank you, you just did my b.p. wonders.

T-1 day...
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